Coming To God Through Christ, No Longer Depressed

Last December, my father passed away. It was a very difficult time for me and his death reminded me of how weak I am and how short my human life is.

Then, my wife (a Christian) and I went to Singapore. There, her sister invited us to attend New Creation Church’s New Year service. I had initially said no but at the last minute I joined them.

At the service, I heard how Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross to mend my broken relationship with God. I felt God’s love for me. I understood that it is not about my works, and that the only way to come to God is through His Son, Jesus, the perfect Man and the perfect God.

I found myself praying and crying, asking God to forgive my sins especially because I had believed that I could get closer to God through my good works. I now know that in believing and trusting in Jesus, I receive His righteousness because He carried my sins.

Since then, the Lord has been revealing Himself to me through the teaching of the Bible. Recently, I asked to join my wife in church and since then, we have been attending church regularly. I listen to your sermons every week and I feel blessed. And for the first time in seven years, I can sleep and I don’t feel depressed anymore.

I wanted to share this with you and to tell you that the three requests I asked for—peace and love in my life, and safety for my kids—are holding true.

Thank you and God bless you as you help people to come to know Christ.

United Arab Emirates

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