Enjoying Peace, Joy And Confidence In God’s Love

I used to wonder if God really loved me. I believed that He was only pleased when I was good or did good things. Whenever I failed, I thought that He was displeased with me. I also didn’t realize that I was caught between law and grace. No wonder I was confused about God’s love for me.

Then I came to learn of your messages, and started watching your programs almost every day. I even got a copy of your book, Destined to Reign. Through these resources, I started to learn the truth about God’s amazing grace.

I enjoyed your book so much that I shared it with a small local church that I attend. So many people were encouraged. Even my pastor was very touched and moved—he told me that he had never heard teachings on grace like this before.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your wonderful ministry. Your teachings on grace have totally transformed my life. I have a deeper appreciation of the great sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, how He was willing to go through such excruciating pain because of His great love. This makes me want to continue to know Him and love Him more and more each day. He is my life, my hope and my joy. Without Him, I can do nothing.

I now have more peace, joy and confidence. I am secure in the knowledge that my Father God loves me unconditionally and I don't have to earn His love or feel condemned or ashamed. I am accepted just as I am. I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!

May God continue to use you mightily in setting many people free!

Sharon Gentner
Michigan, United States

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