Finding Security In The Love Of Christ

The gospel of the grace of Christ Jesus in my life is nothing short of a miracle.

About a year ago, I went to bed feeling completely lost. I prayed and I remember telling the Lord that I don’t understand what I was being taught—that I had to make myself right with God by being good. I knew I couldn’t change and I couldn’t be good, and I just cried and asked Him to help me.

The next morning, I woke up and turned on the television and your program, Destined To Reign, was on. I wanted to change the channel because I couldn't bear to hear anymore preaching telling me how far from God I was. But something stopped my hand and I started watching your program. Before I knew what was happening, tears were pouring down my face because all I could hear was that God loved me, and that He was not angry or judging me for my sins because Jesus was judged in my place at the cross.

I cannot put into words what happened to my heart that morning but I believed that it was the love of Jesus that started the transformation within me. It was a miracle as I experienced the most loving feeling I have ever had in my entire life. And from that day since, I have been facing each day knowing I belong to Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for sending your gospel right into my living room and straight into my heart. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for spreading the good news.

California, United States

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