Freed From A Conscience Of Sin

I have to give you my testimony concerning the message of grace.

I was so sin-conscious and always felt defeated by the failures that I had as a Christian man, husband and father. On top of that, I carried bitterness from past hurts from the church. But one night, I was watching Pastor Prince and when I heard the message of grace, everything within me was fighting not to believe the words spoken. I turned off the television feeling upset and wondering why.

I was so troubled that the next morning, I prayed that God would give me understanding. Later that day, the same program came on and this time, I recorded it. I sat and listened but this time, what came was FREEDOM! PRAISE THE LORD! I understood and was completely set free. I went from having a conscience of sin to a consciousness of GRACE.

Thank you, Pastor Prince. I have learned and am still learning so much from you. God bless you, my brother. Thank you and thank the Lord God Almighty!

Illinois, United States

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