Freed From Condemnation For Past Mistake

When I was 17, I had an abortion, a very traumatic experience for me. Because I was already about three months pregnant by then, I could actually see the form of my baby in an ultrasound scan before the procedure was carried out. As I laid there after the doctor was finished, I remembered thinking, “God, kill me now, I don’t want to live.” I asked myself, “How could I kill an innocent child?”

I have shed so many tears over this matter and felt ashamed every time I saw a child. Once, in church, there was a young couple in front of me with a newborn and the baby was facing me. I cried the whole time during that church service. I also suffered from nightmares and I beat myself up about it many times.

I have been watching Joseph Prince since 2012 on television and on New Year’s Day in 2013, I heard Pastor Prince preach an amazing message where he said, “Who are you that you can’t forgive yourself, if God Himself has forgiven you?” That statement changed my life.

Pastor Prince explained how God does not look at our mistakes and He sees us righteous in Christ because of His sacrifice. When I heard and learned how forgiven I was through Christ’s death, it changed me completely. I learned that God sees me as He sees Jesus and I was set free. That sermon has healed me so much!

I now know I’m forgiven and I know God does not want me to condemn myself over my past. Jesus took all my shame and guilt on the cross and was punished for my sins.

My family and I have been blessed so many times through Pastor Prince’s ministry and I am a living testimony of the Word of grace that is being preached. I can’t thank God enough for putting Joseph Prince in my path!

God’s grace is everything to me now!

Florida, United States

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