God-Given Sleep Where Sleep Medication Failed

Several days ago, a colleague called me up and asked me to come and pray for him in the hospital. He had contracted a severe intestinal virus of some sort and was extremely ill.

I arrived at the hospital and was required to put on a mask, gloves and a gown before I entered the room. I got right down to business: I anointed him with oil, laid hands on him and said about a one-minute prayer. I prayed for his healing and for him to get rest. He immediately fell asleep during the prayer, so when I finished I left the room.

The next day, he called me from the hospital room and sounded much better. He told me that the nurse came in and woke him up at 6:30am to give him some medication. She then proceeded to question him about this “preacher friend” that had visited him at 8pm the day before. She went on to accuse me of giving him some type of drug, because they had given him very strong sleeping medication over the past two days but it had had no affect on him.

She continued to ask him what his “preacher friend” slipped him. He then told her that I had anointed him with oil, laid hands on him and prayed over him and specifically asked for rest. He added, “So that’s what I got, 10 and a half hours of GOD-GIVEN REST through intercessory prayer. He then told her that she could have the same thing he got, she just had to get it from Jesus and it’s free!

David McdanielIi
Georgia, United States

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