Healed Of Painful Skin Condition

I want to praise God for leading me to Pastor Prince’s preaching.

In 2006, I developed a painful and ugly skin condition that looked like eczema around my neck. I went to different doctors but they couldn’t diagnose anything and I was worried.

After a few months, the skin condition spread all over my face and body. It only stopped spreading after I prayed but it remained on my neck for three years. No matter how I prayed and fasted, the condition did not go away.

In 2009, the Lord offered me a trip to Australia, to visit Hillsong church. A lady I met there advised me to read Destined To Reign and Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion.

I was so excited after reading those two books that I began partaking of the Holy Communion. However, the condition grew worse and I began to wonder why others were healed but not me. So while I continued to take the Communion, I did so without faith.

One day in 2011, while listening to Pastor Prince’s sermon titled, Discerning The Lord’s Body Makes A Difference To Your Health, I heard Pastor Prince say this, “The Lord’s body is not for trying but trusting.” He also explained how we need to stand our ground and continue to partake with faith on a regular basis. Those words were like light to my soul.

I immediately stood my ground and believed that surely this skin condition will not resist the power of Lord’s body for by His wounds, I’ve been healed. Almost every day, I would listen to the sermon and then partake and command the skin condition to leave my body in the name of Jesus because He paid a very high price to see me in good health. A few weeks later, I was completely healed!

However, the condition returned a year later and I cried out to the Holy Spirit for help. I was prompted to watch another DVD titled, Receiving Healing With Faith And Patience, and learned from Pastor Prince about the devil’s devices to steal the Word from our heart. As soon as I understood that, I rebuked the condition and stood my ground that the Word will not depart from my heart.

I continued to partake of the Holy Communion and believed that it will not take long this time. Within three days, the itching stopped and after a week, my skin started recovering and today, I’m totally healed.

I am so happy and I want to say a big “thank You” to the Lord Jesus. May You protect and bless Pastor Prince with even more wisdom and revelations to help Your children!


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