Health Restored With A Revelation Of Grace

I cry tears of joy as I write to you!

I left my church over a year ago because I had fallen into sin and had to step down from my position as a worship leader. When I got married, I attempted to come back to the ministry, but was turned away and publicly shamed. There was no forgiveness.

My body began to experience symptoms of constant pain and I became very ill. I went to doctors, was diagnosed with two viruses, but none of the doctors could help me. Soon, I stopped having my monthly cycles and my pains persisted. I was told that I was going through an early menopause.

Two months ago, I was introduced to your teachings by a blessed sister in Christ. Your teachings on grace have set me free and my pains are gone! I have energy again and I am running three miles a day. The truth I know has set me free and my love for God has increased!

I realized that I was under guilt and condemnation because of my past sin. Yet, God blessed me and brought me to your ministry! Now that my health has been restored and I have a true revelation of the work that was done at the cross for me, I have a newfound life!

I have been sharing the good news of Christ with others around me who have fallen ill and they are receiving their healing as I write this letter. Unbelievers are even interested to hear how I have become well and it has opened the door for me to share the message of grace, which is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

I love you, Pastor Prince, and I am eternally grateful to Jesus for giving you the gift of preaching the true gospel message!

Belina Henley
California, United States

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