Life Transformed By Message Of Grace

I would like to thank you for providing access to the powerful life-transforming ministry of grace via your broadcast on The Word Network.

I have been a believer in Jesus Christ since 1986, but have never received the doctrine concerning God’s grace as concise and sound as you’re preaching it. Since following your teachings via the broadcast, the Lord has transformed my life financially, spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.

Since sowing into your ministry, God has paid off my debts. My relationship with my wife has also been improved and blessed.

The Lord has also restored fellowship and called me to establish a weekly prayer meeting in my house. In addition, He has opened up new ministry opportunities in 2013.

As a result of the understanding gained through your message of grace, my love for God’s Word has been greatly increased. He speaks to me daily and I have a deeper understanding of His Word. I am better able to walk according to God’s will for me.

I pray that I will become trained and sound in the message of grace and to boldly proclaim the word of grace without reservation. Thank you for blessing me with the understanding of the liberty of life in Christ Jesus through grace and I will continue to tune in for more of your teaching. God bless you.

Darryl Dean
Georgia, United States

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