Message Of Grace Rekindles Faith In God

Five years ago, I lost my faith in all pastors and churches. There are many churches in this college town that I live in, but everywhere I went, I could not find Jesus. I felt alone and lost. My mother’s passing made things worse. I felt like my life was going nowhere.

It was so bad that sleeping for me was near impossible. Then, about four o’clock one morning, I heard this voice saying, “God wants you to reign!” From that moment on, I watch you on television regularly. I have your podcasts and also read your daily devotionals at work. Pastor Prince, your teachings on Jesus Christ have helped me find my way back to God.

The impact that you have when you teach on Jesus has changed me and my life for the better. I am a better person because of Jesus who stays at my side, no matter what I have to go through. My family has also grown closer.

You may never read this personally, but rest assured you have made an impact on my life and on the lives of my family. I thank my Lord, Jesus Christ, for helping me find such a good pastor. May the Lord Jesus bless and keep you and your family.

Texas, United States

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