No More Pre-Labor Pains, Also Given Distributorship

Praise Jesus for His grace and your ministry. I got your book, The One Thing—31-Day Devotional, when my husband and I had financial and work problems.

I had just discovered I was pregnant after two miscarriages and yet I was in constant labor pains and contractions from four weeks of pregnancy. No medication worked. The doctor also didn’t know what was wrong, yet we had to pay hefty bills for each visit.

I got hold of your devotional and decided to meditate on the truths shared every night. One night, I was meditating on God’s goodness and receiving His abundance of grace and unmerited, undeserved, unearned favor. I felt peace in my heart and a reassurance that I had been healed.

The next morning, I woke up totally pain-free for the first time in six weeks. I could bathe my son and did not have to lie down for the recommended bed rest that whole day for the first time in six weeks. I have been up and about since and am totally pain-free. Praise Jesus.

I also read in your devotion, The Good Life Without The Sweat, about the testimony of the guy who headed two businesses including a distributorship. Well, guess what Jesus did? My husband and I started a new company just a few weeks ago and we have been given a distributorship for the largest household goods supplier in my country. He has also given us one of the largest territories to distribute in the country.

It’s a miracle because we have no experience in this business and we did not have the resources. But I stood on that word of the good life without the sweat and we have it. All this has happened less than a month after my reading that devotional.

God bless you for sharing the revelation of grace God gave you. Praise Jesus. He is real and He loves us.


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