Regular Monthly Cycle Resumed After Watching Video Sermon

I can’t remember when my menstrual cycle problem started, but I never had my period regularly, sometimes not even having one for a whole year.

Last month, I watched the video on YouTube titled, Rest in Jesus’ Faith For Miracles. In the video, Pastor Prince shared a testimony of a lady healed of a cyst in her womb. He also mentioned that her monthly cycles had stopped for some time but after he prayed for the renewal of her youth, she started having her period again.

After hearing that, I received that prayer for myself and believed that I am completely healed. So imagine my excitement when I had an instant surprise the next morning—my cycle had returned!

I am so blessed that His miracles are working even in the littlest things in my life. Praise the Lord for renewing my youth as I truly believe so and thank you for this message, Pastor Prince! God bless you and your ministry!


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