Seeing Fruitfulness, Literally

Your broadcast this week (The Year Of Unceasing Fruitfulness) reminded me that 2012 is the year of unceasing fruitfulness, and I can testify to that literally.

I have a crab apple tree at the edge of my front yard that really is the focal point of the yard. A few weeks ago, I was taking trash out near the road and noticed that the tree looked dead. One of my neighbors was driving by and stopped for a minute to chat. He echoed what I was already thinking, saying also that my tree looked dead. I said, "I noticed that."

I am blessed to be able to spend a lot of time in the Word and do not have time for such things as dead trees. So I said, “Daddy God, I don’t have time to mess with this tree. So thank You for healing it in the name of Jesus.”

I thought no more about it until about a week or so later. I was looking outside and noticed that the tree was loaded with fresh green leaves. My tree had gone from having no leaves to having an abundance of fresh, green leaves!

Praise God! I know that this tree-healing was just a manifestation of the gospel revolution going on in my soul because of God’s Word. And I thank God for your ministry because it has changed my life irrevocably. I’m just sorry that I didn’t find out about Joseph Prince Ministries until late 2010.

By the way, my pear tree in the backyard is loaded down with little baby pears! God’s great love and grace be upon you all.

Pat Fleming
North Carolina, United States

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