Set Free from Sexual Sin by Declaring Righteousness in Christ

Five years ago, when I was 14, I was freed from masturbation by declaring, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.”

I was born into a Christian family and got born again, but I didn’t understand the gospel of grace. I kept my habit a secret. I prayed in desperation for an answer and felt the need to listen to more of God’s Word. I switched on the television to watch Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and Destined to Reign was airing. My mum had watched the webcast of Destined to Reign when I was about 7 years old.

I recognized your face and thought, This is the guy Mum used to listen to! I watched the sermon, and you said that if someone were facing an addiction, that person should declare their righteousness in Christ by faith. The first few times I did that, nothing happened. One day, when I felt the urge again, I whispered repeatedly under my breath, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.”

The urge faded rapidly along with the sexual thoughts. Praise God! I now follow your ministry, and I want any ladies with sexual sins to know God loves them and that they needn’t be ashamed as He is ready to set them free. Glory to God!

United Kingdom

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