Winning The Battle Of The Mind

I have been saved for many years but I was constantly dealing with struggles in my mind. The enemy wanted me to constantly condemn myself and it was a constant battle of trying to ignore the thoughts and trying to focus on the truth of the Word.

One day, I heard a message titled, The Battle Of The Mind, from Pastor Joseph Prince regarding overcoming negative thoughts. He pointed out that the enemy attacks our minds using the personal pronoun “I” so that we think the thought originated within us.

He taught us that condemning thoughts actually come from the devil, and that we have a choice to take or reject a thought—“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?” (Matthew 6:31, KJV).

That was such a powerful lesson and it truly set me free from a bondage that I’d struggled with for years. Now, whenever there is a self-condemning thought, I simply reject it as my thought, as I know that I am consecrated and justified in Christ.

I pray God’s continued blessing on your wonderful ministry. God bless you!

Florida, United States

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